perform a patient interview and complete an exposure assessment on an individual. Keep the interview focused on environmental factors that could affect the individual’s health and redirect the individual if they begin to discuss other aspects of health such as diabetes, hypertension, or psychosocial factors

In this assignment, students are to perform a patient interview and complete an exposure assessment on an individual. Keep the interview focused on environmental factors that could affect the individual’s health and redirect the individual if they begin to discuss other aspects of health such as diabetes, hypertension, or psychosocial factors. Students are expected to … Read more

Explain racism thoroughly, why it is a public health issue, and how it contributes to Social Determinants of Health. Provide research and evidence from your articles of choice

2-3 page paper (excluding references) on your topic of racism Cite 2-3 scholarly articles (i.e, Google Scholar, National Institutes of Health (NIH), JSTOR, University of Memphis student resources etc.) on racism. Your references should be on a separate page. Please use your own words and cite your work to avoid plagiarism. Your paper should be … Read more

Discuss when or where the revenue cycle process begins for inpatient and outpatient/ambulatory services.

The Relationship Between Coding and Reimbursement Discuss when or where the revenue cycle process begins for inpatient and outpatient/ambulatory services. Describe how inpatient charges are captured in an inpatient setting. Describe how ambulatory charges are captured in an ambulatory setting. Describe the importance of the information in the physician’s office encounter form. Analyze the similarities … Read more

You meet a student nurse from a country other than the United States at a nursing conference. The student nurse asks you to describe the health care delivery system in the United States as it is today. How would you respond?

You meet a student nurse from a country other than the United States at a nursing conference. The student nurse asks you to describe the health care delivery system in the United States as it is today. How would you respond?

Discuss how the selected theory guides both your clinical assessments and interventions for Mrs. Mendez or her family.

(Case of Mrs. Mendez related to Interprofessional Theories) Interdisciplinary Philosophies and Theories Read the case of Mrs. Mendez Case Study.doc As an advanced practice nurse, identify the various knowledge bases that you draw upon from the physical, emotional, spiritual, cultural, and social sciences in the care of Mrs. Mendez and her family. For example, Which … Read more

Explain the distinction between a nursing diagnosis, a medical diagnosis, and a collaborative problem

Explain the distinction between a nursing diagnosis, a medical diagnosis, and a collaborative problem Create a care plan with (1) medical diagnosis, (include self-care agencies self-care deficits, and classification of nursing system to meet the self-care requisites of the patient) (1) nursing diagnosis, (1) smart goal and (1) expected outcome.

Discuss the following:• How important is the inclusion of complementary and alternative health care practices into plans of care?

Inclusion of Complementary & Alternative Healthcare practices This assignment is for a discussion board post for my BSN program. course: Alternative and Complementary interventions. please include 2 resources including textbook. resources should be not older than 5 years. no meta-analysis or statistical review accepted for resource. Primary Task Response: Within the Discussion Board area, write … Read more

How would you assess the need for an adjustment within a change project? What impact could this have on the project timeline?

How would you assess the need for an adjustment within a change project? What impact could this have on the project timeline? If an adjustment were needed on your project, how would you determine the best timing for making said adjustment? What considerations would you have for communicating the needed adjustments to the appropriate stakeholder … Read more