Identify the most frequent mental health diseases in Saudi Arabia (SA).

Please respond substantively to one of your peers : My friend reflection : Post-Conference Reflection Conference Title: Mental Health Promotion Objectives: o To determine the meaning of mental wellness and illness. o To clarify the most commonly used tools for assessing mental health in PHCs (Primary Healthcare Centers). o To identify the most frequent mental … Read more

Write an engaging and reflective paper that would be helpful for someone in the discipline wanting to learn about “Failure to Respond” and the associated trends in Nursing Education and Practice

For this assignment, students will review the “Failure to Respond” journal article and ascertain an understanding of the current trends in Nursing Education and Practice regarding entry-level preparation and transition into practice. Students will write an engaging and informative review of the journal article including reflections on the implications to one’s personal journey and transition … Read more

Can the unjust and powerful man really get away, and be happier with, his injustice? (i.e., especially Thrasymachus’s view in Book 1 and the “Ring of Gyges”

E1. Exploratory Speech Project with Overhead Presentation (10 minutes): Here you will develop your own in-depth knowledge of an historically important and influential philosopher or issue. For this project you will be assigned to do one of the following: an Exploratory Speech or an Exploratory Debate Presentation. Choices are limited by a lottery in class. … Read more

Begin by reviewing the following publication on Adolescent Substance Use Disorder.

Begin by reviewing the following publication on Adolescent Substance Use Disorder. National Institute on Drug Abuse (2014). Principles of adolescent substance use disorder treatment: A research-based guide. PDF: (National Institute on Drug Abuse, 2014) Choose one of the Family-Based Treatment approaches outlined in the publication and discuss why you believe the approach you selected … Read more

Discuss four non-pharmacological treatments that you would recommend for a 6 year old child with ADD.

Some commonly followed treatments for Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) have not been scientifically substantiated, including restricted or modified diets, treatments for allergies, treatment for inner ear problems, treatments for yeast infections, megavitamins, chiropractic adjustment and bone alignment, eye training, special-colored glasses, and biofeedback. Discuss four non-pharmacological treatments that you would recommend for a 6 year … Read more

This is an argumentative essay concerning the “divine command theory.” Find some aspect of the “divine command theory”, and create a thesis that either supports or criticizes that aspect.

This is an argumentative essay concerning the “divine command theory.” Find some aspect of the “divine command theory”, and create a thesis that either supports or criticizes that aspect.

Arts analysis and the Spanish empire.

This should be written in THREE SECTIONS: General Question Consider this illustration from Guaman Poma de Ayala’s chronicle showing Andean indigenous artists. What can this picture tell us about issues of colonial artistic labor, notably questions concerning the visibility, authorship and appearance of colonial artworks? Provide a detailed visual description of the illustrated scene and … Read more