Discuss the impacts of ensuring and improving patient safety, and analyzing drivers and measurements of quality improvement in health care are crucial skills for health care workers, such as health care managers and quality improvement managers.

Exam Content Ensuring and improving patient safety, and analyzing drivers and measurements of quality improvement in health care are crucial skills for health care workers, such as health care managers and quality improvement managers. There are many facets of quality measures, and your understanding of and adherence to quality standards demonstrates skill in protecting and … Read more

Assignments are based on readings in the Grobman text. You will select any of the “part” of the Grobman book for each Connections Paper. For example, if you select the “part” named, “Healthcare” you will read all chapters within that “part” in preparation for the assignment.

These assignments are based on readings in the Grobman text. You will select any of the “part” of the Grobman book for each Connections Paper. For example, if you select the “part” named, “Healthcare” you will read all chapters within that “part” in preparation for the assignment. You must read all the “chapters” within the … Read more

WORLD HEALTH RANKINGS – World Life Expectancy

This week we are learning how to accumulate, analyze and interpret needed community and internal facility demographics relating to healthcare strategic planning preparations. In this Assignment the student will use the World Health Ranking website to compare and report on the listed chronic health population death rates per disease and by both Okanogan and Clelan … Read more

Are there any pharmacogenetic considerations related to what you prescribed for the patient? Are there any alternative therapies or over-the-counter agents that might be of value to Mrs. Z?

Case Study Mrs. Z is a 34-year-old female who come in with a complaint of diarrhea accompanied by abdominal pain. Onset of the symptom was about 4 days ago. She reports thinking she is running a fever but has not taken her temperature. She concerned that she is starting to feel weak. When asked how … Read more

Applying Research: Healthcare Disparities

Healthcare Disparities o Description: Differences in health outcomes and care quality experienced by certain populations due to socioeconomic, racial, or geographic factors. o Interventions: Federal goals, policy changes, Triple Aim for populations, community health improvement plans, patient advocacy efforts, cultural competency training. o Keywords: Socioeconomic status, health disparities, health inequities, health equity, community health assessment, … Read more

Describe Nursing, Public Health, Disaster/Emergency Management.

Overview You will create three different communications aimed at preventing and addressing disasters and public health emergencies. All submissions must follow the conventions of scholarly writing. Properly formatted APA citations and references must be provided where appropriate. Submissions that do not meet these expectations will be returned without scoring. This Assessment requires submission of three … Read more

Clinical research and trials are essential endeavors that drive the advancement of medical knowledge and the development of new treatments and interventions.

Abstract Clinical research and trials are essential endeavors that drive the advancement of medical knowledge and the development of new treatments and interventions. Clinical research involves the systematic investigation of health-related questions in human participants, with the aim of improving our understanding of diseases, their causes, and potential therapies. In addition, researchers have widely applied … Read more

Research Design

If you observe a typical classroom of first graders, you will probably notice a few children who are more active than others. While most children focus on schoolwork, the overly active children may appear restless, squirm in their seat, tap their pencil loudly, and fidget with their hands and feet. Two researchers had the same … Read more

The overall essential or guiding question for your project or unit. (Ex. For this course the essential question is “How does knowing Alaska History make you a more effective educator?

Your project must be a 3 to 5 page (minimum) written description of your standards based unit or activity. This unit should be one that you do or plan to do in your classroom, school, or community. The following five components must be included in your project: A list of the specific Standards for Alaska … Read more