Select an actual act of terrorism from the news, other than is described in the assigned readings or the topic of your capstone project. The act may be of international or domestic terrorism.

Select an actual act of terrorism from the news, other than is described in the assigned readings or the topic of your capstone project. The act may be of international or domestic terrorism. During the course of the semester, it will be productive to study a number of actual terrorist groups and/or events, and to … Read more

United States Civil War

Analyze how the United States transitions from a divided nation at the end of the Civil War into an industrial world power in the time period from 1865 to 1929. Discuss the social, economic, and political reasons for this transition.

Describe each of the following four ideologies as they relate to domestic violent extremism.

In the Module 1 Case Assignment, you worked on categorizing domestic extremists; however, the beliefs of some extremists are hard to categorize. This is because extremists can be motived by a combination of influences, some of which are evolving, overlapping, and fluid. In some cases, ideologies intersect with conspiracy theories and various forms of misinformation … Read more

Discuss the importance of voting but have also noted that many people simply do not vote. In this assignment, you will explain the civic, societal and individual importance of voting.

Discuss the importance of voting but have also noted that many people simply do not vote. In this assignment, you will explain the civic, societal and individual importance of voting. While you of course may insert your own opinion resources which discuss the importance of voting.

You are an English person of the day (male or female) and you must pick a side to take in the conflict. In your paper explain who you are, what side you will support in the war, King or Parliament, and why you have decided to support that side.

In August 1642 King Charles I left London and went north to raise an army to defend his rights against Parliament. This act began the military phase of the English Civil War. You are an English person of the day (male or female) and you must pick a side to take in the conflict. In … Read more

Gather sources on your topic American Indian Movement during the 1960s Vietnam War and compile an annotated bibliography describing those sources.

Gather sources on your topic American Indian Movement during the 1960s Vietnam War and compile an annotated bibliography describing those sources. You will create and submit an annotated bibliography that lists your sources, describes how they contributed to your research, and produces an accurate and complete description of your research topic. -Should use at least … Read more

Policy recommendation: U.S. supplying weapons to Ukraine.

Policy recommendation: U.S. supplying weapons to Ukraine. 1.) Policy Recommendation: To ship or not to ship A senior policy maker is going to meet with high-level government officials concerning arms transfers to sensitive regions around the globe. In some of these regions the shipment of arms is crucial for strategic security. In other regions the … Read more