Write a review on American Renaissance 1820-1865 .

American Renaissance 1820-1865 Reading selections we’ve covered: “Bartleby, The Scrivener” by Herman Melville “Resistance to Civil Government” by Henry David Thoreau “What to the slave is the Fourth of July” by Frederick Douglass Book we’re using in class: The Norton anthology of American literature shorter tenth edition: 1820 to 1865 vol 1

Explore current and historical prevention or intervention efforts related to the selected topic and research question.

In this section, explore current and historical prevention or intervention efforts related to the selected topic and research question. The student is encouraged to look at efforts in the United States as well as internationally. The “newness” of the topic will impact the amount of information in this section. However, do not assume that there … Read more

Compare 1619-1624 Arrival by Nikole Hannah-Jones and 1694-1699 The Middle Passage by Mary E. Hicks. These excerpts describe transatlantic voyages taking place nearly half a century apart. For each prompt, identify how the essays are similar. In what ways are they different?

Compare 1619-1624 Arrival by Nikole Hannah-Jones and 1694-1699 The Middle Passage by Mary E. Hicks. These excerpts describe transatlantic voyages taking place nearly half a century apart. For each prompt, identify how the essays are similar. In what ways are they different? Consider tone, topic, structure, theme, or thesis statement as potential places to explore. … Read more

What did the Revolution mean to different groups of Americans?

Purpose As we have seen in this unit, the origins of the American Revolution were complicated and the outcome was more complicated than simply forming a new, sovereign national government. In this essay, you will be analyzing and evaluating the outcome of the American Revolution using both primary and secondary sources. In the process, you … Read more

In the play, what causes Blanche’s mental fragility and how does she struggle with mental illness throughout Streetcar?

Tennessee Williams’ biography reveals a family history deeply affected by mental illness. In the play, what causes Blanche’s mental fragility and how does she struggle with mental illness throughout Streetcar? How does Williams capture these mental struggles for his audience? How is she treated by other characters when she’s failing to “cope”? How were Americans … Read more

The American Revolution – detail the economic struggle after early colonial wars that led to such tension in the colonies. After discussion rebellious events, discuss what ultimately led to war with the British. What did the Revolution accomplish?

Essay Sources that can be used: OpenStax, any article already used, scholarly articles of educational based websites (with websites included as a footnote each time you refer to a quote or an example). Sources not to be included, Wikipedia, Quizlet, any student forums which share essays, or further obvious sites like that. I trust that … Read more

Research on the relations between PNG and Australia at the time of Pre-independance and Post-independance compare and contrast and do an analysis and discuss how this system had impacted the prosperity of this nation PNG.

Provide citations and references. Research on the relations between PNG and Australia at the time of Pre-independance and Post-independance compare and contrast and do an analysis and discuss how this system had impacted the prosperity of this nation PNG.