Write a review of Belinda Clemmensen’s Women, Leadership, and Saving the World: Why Everything Gets Better When Women Lead.

Write a review of Belinda Clemmensen’s Women, Leadership, and Saving the World: Why Everything Gets Better When Women Lead. The book review should consist of at least four full pages but no more than five (excluding the cover pages and bibliography pages). Your review should be typewritten, double-spaced, include one- inch margins, a 12-point font, … Read more

Racial ideology in the us during the cold war.-How did racial ideology shape how US officials exercised power at home and abroad during the Cold War?

This assignment is an opportunity to elaborate a serious historical argument with multiple sources. Your essay should open with an argumentative thesis. The writing should be clear and grammatical. And the essay should engage class readings and lecture materials from at least two weeks, drawing relevant connections and backing arguments with concrete evidence. Rather than … Read more

Diary entry in the trenches WW1

Diary entry as a soldier fighting in WW1 explaining your experience fighting in the trenches. Include the following elements of trench warfare. 300 words. – Mud – Fire Step – Barbed wire – She’ll shock – Sandbags – Duck boards – Machine guns – Going Over the top – Dug outs – No man’s land

Womens history

Research and discuss the role of women historically and present. What were some of the abuses of women? Consider the role women play in today’s society, are they still subject to similar abuse? Use ideas from the stories you have read in this course as well as from outside sources for support in analyzing women … Read more

Choose one event from below to write a scholarly paper in which you accomplish the following: Explain the event and why it caused disunion in the US placing the country on a trajectory toward the American Civil War.

For more than 160 years, historians have discussed and debated the various factors that have caused the American Civil War. The Civil War and the factors that led to it is so fascinating that this time period is one of the most researched in American history. Throughout Unit VII, we have seen various events or … Read more


History is written based on existing evidence by the survivors. Sometimes evidence is lost or incomplete; sometimes bias clouds objective judgment about the events that occurred. Many times accounts are written deliberately to present one side of the story (often the victors’ perspective), but even eye witness accounts can distort the truth because their perspective … Read more

Chronicle the development of Cajun/Creole Cuisine from the beginning in 1718 when a man named Beinville claimed the land for the French. What is a Creole?What is a Cajun?

Chronicle the development of Cajun/Creole Cuisine from the beginning in 1718 when a man named Beinville claimed the land for the French. What is a Creole?What is a Cajun? What is Creole food?What is Cajun food? Type of Food dishes, location ect… If possible___Interview a parent, grandparent, other family member, friend, Chef, restaurant owner, community … Read more