Write an argumentative essay in MLA format with works cited on the comparisons and contrasting nature of the beliefs, stances, and platforms of WEB Dubois and Booker T Washington. Which one had the better opinion? Why?

Write an argumentative essay in MLA format with works cited on the comparisons and contrasting nature of the beliefs, stances, and platforms of WEB Dubois and Booker T Washington. Which one had the better opinion? Why? Just compare and contrast W.E.B. Du Bois and Booker T. Washington and explain why Du Bois’s stances were better … Read more

Reliability and Validity

Briefly describe the research study you selected. Explain the type(s) of validity and reliability relevant to this study. Explain whether you think the validity and reliability, as reported in the article, are accurate or suspect and why. Explain what difference validity and reliability make in the study you selected and why. Support your Assignment with … Read more

After successfully completing the tasks in this lesson you will be able to: narrow a topic and create a thesis statement that takes a position on a current issue conduct research and use sources both supporting and opposing your thesis take notes that paraphrase, summarize, or quote sources

Before you submit your assignment to this dropbox, be sure to study and use the information in Module 2, Lesson 5 titled “Begin the Research for Your Argument Essay.” Use this dropbox to submit four articles you are considering for your paper. If the article is from the database, submit the full-text attachment of the … Read more

Describe how a wireless access point works.

I do not want a long paper please, I have steps to take after this. You are a networking consultant for Secure Systems Solutions (SSS), specializing in wireless and mobile device security. SSS strives to be active in community affairs. The parent-teacher organization within the local school district is planning to host a technology learning … Read more

How Opticians should select Glasses and why

Basically how opticians should select glasses and why like picking out frames based on the shape size and skin color if pink shades or hair color for perfect frames, convincing customers like what skin und-ertone whats the best eyeglasses etc and you can use 2 references from the text book (systems for ophthalmic lenses).


Design a class called “Rectangle” which respects the concept of data hiding and which has the following properties: Data members : width (double), length (double), x position (double), y position (double), numRec (integer) Methods: A default constructor that sets the width to 2, the length to 4, the x position to 0 and the y … Read more

Pick ONE of the articles to read and provide a synopsis in an initial post to this discussion, include the title of the reading at the top and page numbers when you make references to the material.

11. Pick ONE of the articles to read and provide a synopsis in an initial post to this discussion, include the title of the reading at the top and page numbers when you make references to the material. 2. When you have completed your synopsis immediately reply to it (yes, this means replying to yourself…) … Read more

Homework 11 Questions: 5,6, 9, &10

Answer the questions for the attached statistical problems. What is required is that the answers are correct, and correct in following the directions. If a problem needs to be rounded, do so appropriately. These are a mixed of multiple-choice selections as well as calculations. Please make sure to convey all answers to all questions. You … Read more