Choose one event from below to write a scholarly paper in which you accomplish the following: Explain the event and why it caused disunion in the US placing the country on a trajectory toward the American Civil War.

For more than 160 years, historians have discussed and debated the various factors that have caused the American Civil War. The Civil War and the factors that led to it is so fascinating that this time period is one of the most researched in American history. Throughout Unit VII, we have seen various events or variables that could be identified as the primary factor that set the United States on a path toward the American Civil War. This one factor and its impact will be the focus of our Unit VII assignment.
Students will create a 3- to 4-page paper highlighting one of the events listed in the assignment instructions. When writing
their paper, students must use a minimum of three peer-reviewed or academic resources, two of which must come from
the CSU Online Library.

After reading the Unit VII Study Guide and Chapter 14, select one event from the list below:
The Compromise of 1850
The Kansas-Nebraska Act & Bleeding Kansas
Presidential Election of 1856
Dred Scott v. Sandford (1857)
The Lincoln-Douglas Debates
John Brown’s raid on Harpers Ferry
Presidential Election of 1860
Write a scholarly paper in which you accomplish the following:
Explain the event that you have selected
Explain why this event caused disunion in the United States, placing the country on a trajectory toward the American Civil War.
Important requirements:
Required minimum length/format: three pages, double spaced, and written in Times New Roman, 12-point font.
The title page (if used) and the reference page do not count toward the length requirement.
Required resources: three peer-reviewed or academic resources; two of which must come from the CSU Online Library.
General encyclopedias (e.g., Britannica, Wikipedia) are not appropriate resources for this project; do not use them.

Recommendations for Success:
Do not begin to work on the Unit VII assignment until you have read (in full) the Unit VII Study Guide and read/viewed the assigned Required Unit Resources.
After you have read/reviewed the Unit VII material, carefully review the Unit VII Case Study rubric so that you are aware of how your work will be evaluated.
Recommended electronic databases to use:
America: History and Life
Academic Search Ultimate
Present insightful and thorough analysis with strong arguments and evidence; dive into the details to help present strong content. Remember to incorporate the five Ws of research into your writing: who, what, where, when, and especially why.

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