Communicable Disease prevention and sustainable development goals.

Font: Times New Roman, Size 12Margins: 1” on all sidesStyle: APA (7th edition) for citations and reference pageDouble SpacedNO HEADINGS Up to 5 pages of written content (excluding title and reference page) Paper Contents Cover Page: Include the title of your paper and your name in proper APA format 1. Topic Outline: Provide a detailed description of your health topic/issue: COMMUNICABLE DISEASE PREVENTIONExplain the importance of the topic/health issue in the context of global health.Some examples may include:What is the nature and scope of the health topic/issue?Provide a detailed description of the health concern, including it’s prevalence, impact, and implications for individuals and communities globally.How does the topic/issue relate to global health?Explore the interconnectedness of the health concern on a global scale.Provide data from global health websites to support your topic/issue.What are the root causes of the health topic/issue?Investigate the underlying factors contributing to the emergence and persistence of the topic/issue.Consider social, economic, political, and environmental determinants. WHO – Determinants of Health 2. Sustainable Development Goals: Explore the relationship between the health topic/issue and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).Some example may include:What specific SDGs are relevant to the health topic/issue? Please only include up to 3 or 4.How does the health topic/issue contribute of hinder the achievement of specific SDGs.In what ways do the SDGs complement or conflict with each other in addressing the health concern. Utilize the Social Progress Index as a valuable resource for obtaining data on both the lower and higher-achieving countries. However, it’s essential to go beyond stating rankings and explain the significance of the data.Social Progress.ORG 4.Lowest Achieving Nation: Identify and analyze the nation with the poorest outcomes regarding your chosen topic/health issue.Describe the impact of the topic/health issue on the overall health within this nation.Utilize recent data on your topic/health issue in the chosen country.Discuss the SDG(s) impacted within this nation and provide insights into the factors hindering achievement, such as cultural, belief systems, lack of governmental support, or crises of war.Does the health topic/issue intersect with social and economic aspects of SDG (e.g. poverty, education, gender equality, etc.)Consider cultural beliefs, practices, and norms that may either facilitate or hinder the attainment of SDGs in the context of the health topic/issue. 5.Higher Achieving Nation: Choose another nation doing better with your health topic/issue and relevant WHO SDGs.The selected nation should be in close proximity to the low-achieving nation.Research the culture of both nations, emphasizing its relation to the topic/health issue.Describe how the culture of the higher-achieving nation contributes to or hinders improvement, providing specific examples. Final SDG conclusion: Propose cultural elements the low-achieving nation could adopt to enhance SDG achievement, supporting your recommendations with specific examples. This can include what the low achieving nation can adopt from the high achieving nation as well.What are the challenges in implementing effective interventions in the low achieving county and how will this affect SDGs and individuals/communities globally.Identify barriers to the successful implementation of interventions, including logistical, political, and cultural challenges. (This can also include environmental challenges)Consider the role of global cooperation and diplomacy in addressing these challenges.How can individuals and communities contribute to addressing the health topic/issue on a global scale.

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