Community Assessment

The goal of the Community Project is to have an opportunity to experience the role of the Community Health Nurse.
The project involves three separate steps. We will provide worksheets that will ensure you are identifying the proper criteria to be successful:
A thorough community assessment. You will have an opportunity to complete a windshield and researched assessment on your community. During the assessment you will provide a clear picture of the community you chose.

This will include:
Community Information
Community Demographics
Health Data
Social Data

A community teaching proposal focused on prevention. The research completed in the community assessment will identify prevalent chronic, infectious and priority community concerns. You will create a one stop – one hour teaching session for the community. This is only a proposal and not “hands on.”

The last step is a disaster assessment of your chosen community. An opportunity to assess the readiness and resources that are available in case there is a disaster.

Complete the attached 3 worksheets on the Sacramento, California community. You can narrow down to specific community you find with Sacramento, California if needed.

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