Compare 1619-1624 Arrival by Nikole Hannah-Jones and 1694-1699 The Middle Passage by Mary E. Hicks. These excerpts describe transatlantic voyages taking place nearly half a century apart. For each prompt, identify how the essays are similar. In what ways are they different?

Compare 1619-1624 Arrival by Nikole Hannah-Jones and 1694-1699 The Middle Passage by Mary E. Hicks. These excerpts describe transatlantic voyages taking place nearly half a century apart. For each prompt, identify how the essays are similar. In what ways are they different?
Consider tone, topic, structure, theme, or thesis statement as potential places to explore. Are there points of comparison between the authors’ motivations, or the ways they pursue their goals, or their feelings about pursuing them? Consider how the tone, descriptions, and unique perspectives contribute to a reader’s understanding of the broader picture of the African American experience.

Any quotes or paraphrased content from the readings (or outside research, if you choose to use it). must be properly cited in text and in a Works Cited list at the end.

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