Compare and contrast the film “psycho” from Alfred Hitchcock to the film ” Rear window” by the same director.

Compare and contrast the film “psycho” from Alfred Hitchcock to the film ” Rear window” by
the same director. also compare and contrast the themes and preoccupations of the
director in both films.


Introduction: Always begin by introducing the director and the film or films. Follow this with a brief summary of the narrative/s and then wind down to a thesis specifically addressing your chosen prompt. The final sentence in the introduction is your thesis statement. Your thesis statement needs to make a claim that responds to the essay prompt.

Body: This is dependent on your chosen prompt.

Conclusion: Do not repeat your introduction. Instead, what conclusions have you reached in your analysis?

Works Cited: Cite the film and your sources. Sources MUST either come from posted materials OR the library databases. If sources are used and not cited, it is plagiarism.

Expectations and Policies:

Write in the third person POV (avoid 1st person-‘I’ and 2nd person-‘you’ ‘us’’we’)
No outside sources EXCEPT for posted materials and library databases and/or sources cleared with your instructor. This includes any AI generated material. If any other
sources are used, you will receive an automatic F.

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