Compare and contrast the physical appearance of Creatable World dolls with traditional Barbie dolls.

For this essay, you
are expected to plan and write a response to one of the readings from this
module (Please note that Turnitin DOES NOT accept. pages
or .gdoc file types.
Use .doc or .pdf if possible.)

Assignment Please
choose a prompt based on one of the Module III readings.Take careful note of
whatthe prompt is asking and be sure that you are directly answering the
question at hand. Write 4 typed and double-spaced pages (1000 words or more),
proof read your paper aloud, and visit the online tutor for any further
assistance. Don’t wait until the last minute to begin this assignment.

Prompt Selected:
“Gender and Toys” In 2019, Mattel, the maker of Barbie, released the world’s
first gender-neutraldoll. The “Creatable World” line includes six dolls with
different skin tones,hair and clothes, aimed to reflect and celebrate “the
positive impact of inclusivity.” How is its design different from
traditional dolls, and how do you feel the doll has impacted you or society at

Title: Exploring the Evolution of Dolls: A Comparative Essay of Creatable
World line and Traditional Barbie Dolls

Introduce the
“Creatable World” line and its significance.
Provide a brief
overview of traditional Barbie dolls.
State the
purpose of the essay, which is to compare and contrast the “Creatable
World” line with traditional Barbie dolls and analyze their
respective impacts.
discuss the history of Barbie dolls.
societal norms and stereotypes associated with traditional Barbie dolls.
Introduction to
Creatable World Line:
Detail the
introduction of the “Creatable World” line.
Describe the
unique features of Creatable World dolls.
Compare and
contrast the physical appearance of Creatable World dolls with
traditional Barbie dolls.
differences in body shape, facial features, and clothing options.
Analyze the
marketing strategies employed for both Creatable World and traditional
Barbie dolls.
Discuss how
inclusivity and diversity are emphasized in Creatable World marketing.
Examine the
impact of Creatable World dolls on perceptions of gender norms and body
Consider the
potential influence on the toy industry and future product development.
Case Studies
and Examples:
real-life examples or case studies illustrating the impact of Creatable
World dolls.
perspectives from experts, parents, and children.
Summarize the
key findings of the comparison between Creatable World and traditional
Barbie dolls.

Reflect on the
implications for promoting diversity and challenging gender norms in the
toy industry.
Conclude with
thoughts on the future direction of doll design and societal impact.
Cite academic
sources, articles, and official Mattel statements. Very IMPORTANT
Use proper
citation formatting according to the required style guide.

The intro, body and conclusion are just ideas of what to include in the
paper the email i received ffrom profesor was: ” Not a problem! You
are correct! If you choose this topic for your paper, you’ll want to
research a bit about the “Creatable World” line, first. Then, in
your essay, you’ll discuss how the “Creatable World” line is
different from traditional Barbie dolls and what impact these differences
have had. ”

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