Compare and contrast Unitarian Universalism, Hinduism, Buddhism.

this is how i started it off but tweak it if youd like
“As a Catholic, I wasn’t surprised to find that Unitarian Universalism, Buddhism, and Hinduism were my top three religions after taking the quiz. Growing up, my family’s religious background was diverse – my mom and grandfather are Catholic, while my grandmother is an evangelical Christian. However, I never really explored my own faith as a kid, as it was just a part of my life. I went through the motions of four sacraments without much. So, discovering that I resonate with these religions makes sense to me. Each of them has distinct beliefs and practices that speak to me – Unitarian Universalism’s emphasis on individual freedom and reason, Buddhism’s teachings on how to live a peaceful life through compassion, forgiveness, and respect for human dignity, and Hinduism’s belief in spiritual practices like yoga and meditation. While my upbringing didn’t allow me to explore my faith deeply, I’m now intrigued to learn more about these religions and how they align with my own beliefs.”

Write A comparison of the three religions based on the questions below:
What are the main beliefs of each religion? (i.e.: Trinity, sin, saints, karma, etc.)
What is their sacred writings/scripture? (Bible? Torah? etc.)
When/Where/How do they worship?
Who is their worship leader?
What is their view on life after death? (heaven/hell, reincarnation, etc.)
What is their position on ‘hot topics’ such as divorce or homosexuality or abortion?
What role do women play in this religion?
How does one join this religion?
Formatting includes 4-5 pages double spaced using New Times Roman 12point
please use trusted sources (NOT Wikipedia!)2-4 sources for each religion
you may use : Barnes, Michael. “In the Presence of Mystery: An Introduction to the Story of Human Religiousness” Twenty-third Publications Second printing of revised 2003 edition 2009. ISBN 978-1-58595-259-5

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