Compose a research paper on the topic of US border and customs protection.

As we bring this study to a close, we now look into the future. In the DHS Strategic Plan: F
As we bring this study to a close, we now look into the future. In the DHS Strategic Plan: Fiscal Years 2020-2024, the following goals have been established that the private sector can have a direct impact upon:
Counterterrorism and homeland security threats
Securing U.S. borders and approaches
Secure cyberspace and critical infrastructure
Preserve and uphold the nation’s prosperity and economic security
Strengthen preparedness and resilience
Based upon all that we have discussed throughout this study, offer specific details and examples as to how private sector organizations and their employees can directly impact addressing each of these goals during this timeframe.
Technical Requirements
Your paper must be at a minimum of 6 pages (the Title and Reference pages do not count towards the minimum limit).
Include/State/Highlight an “Introduction” and “Conclusion”.
Scholarly and credible references should be used. A good rule of thumb is to use at least two scholarly sources per page of content. This assignment requires a minimum of 6 peer-reviewed sources.
Type in Times New Roman, 12 point, and double space.
Students will follow the current APA Style as the sole citation and reference style used in written work submitted as part of coursework.
Points will be deducted for using Wikipedia or encyclopedic-type sources. It is highly advised to utilize books, peer-reviewed journals, articles, archived documents, etc.
All submissions will be graded using the assignment rubric.
Your paper must be your own original work submitted to only one class and not recycled and the use of AI (artificial intelligence) is not allowed in preparing your paper and doing so violates the plagiarism policy.
Counterterrorism and homeland security threats
Securing U.S. borders and approaches
Secure cyberspace and critical infrastructure
Preserve and uphold the nation’s prosperity and economic security
Strengthen preparedness and resilience
Based upon all that we have discussed throughout this study, offer specific details and examples as to how private sector organizations and their employees can directly impact addressing each of these goals during this timeframe.

Technical Requirements
Your paper must be at a minimum of 6 pages (the Title and Reference pages do not count towards the minimum limit).
Include/State/Highlight an “Introduction” and “Conclusion”.
Scholarly and credible references should be used. A good rule of thumb is to use at least two scholarly sources per page of content. This assignment requires a minimum of 6 peer-reviewed sources.
Type in Times New Roman, 12 point, and double space.
Students will follow the current APA Style as the sole citation and reference style used in written work submitted as part of coursework.
Points will be deducted for using Wikipedia or encyclopedic-type sources. It is highly advised to utilize books, peer-reviewed journals, articles, archived documents, etc.
All submissions will be graded using the assignment rubric.
Your paper must be your own original work submitted to only one class and not recycled and the use of AI (artificial intelligence) is not allowed in preparing your paper and doing so violates the plagiarism policy.

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