Compose a research paper outlining the contents of the book Inside the Battle of Algiers: Memoir of a Woman Freedom Fighter by Zohra Drif-Bitat.

Compose a research paper outlining the contents of the book Inside the Battle of Algiers: Memoir of a Woman Freedom Fighter by Zohra Drif-Bitat.Begin reading Zohra Drif-Bitat, Inside the Battle of Algiers: Memoir of a Woman Freedom Fighter. You can read the first two chapters as a matter of interest, but complete this assignment for chapters 3 through 9. First, take note of each chapter title, then select a minimum of 3 and a maximum of 5 quotes from each chapter that help to explain the title of the chapter.

You can simply create a heading with the title of the chapter, then copy and paste the quotes from each chapter beneath the corresponding heading. So for instance: Chapter 3 is titled “First Contact with the FLN” – what 3 to 5 quotes in that chapter explain the point that Drif-Bitat makes in that chapter about her first contact with the FLN? – list them under the heading for Chapter 3; Chapter 7 is titled “The Eight-Day Strike” – what 3 to 5 quotes in that chapter explain what strike she’s referring to and how it was significant in her role as a freedom fighter in the Battle of Algiers? – list them under the heading for Chapter 7; etc. do chapter 7 and 8

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