Compose a research paper outlining the ethical issues involved in working with children.

Compose a research paper outlining the ethical issues involved in working with children.
For Your Initial Post
What option are you considering for your final essay? You might also consider including the following:
What questions do you have about your options?
Do you need help integrating an ethical theory with your profession?
What concept are you not grasping that you need help with?
The final essay is trying ethics into my future career as a Child Life Specialist

Class Sources to reference:


profmcgowan (2011). Ethics – Death Penalty [Video File]. Retrieved from YouTube.
Wireless Philosophy (2023). PHILOSOPHY – BIOETHICS 5: Why Do People Disagree About The Ethics Of Euthanasia? [Video File]. Retrieved from YouTube.
The Philosophical Christian (2020). Cultural Relativism: A Seductive Yet Disturbing Theory [Video File]. Retrieved from YouTube.
The Challenge of Cultural Relativism. (2022). In The Elements of Moral Philosophy (10th ed.). McGraw-Hill
Rachels, J., & Rachels, S. (2022). The Elements of Moral Philosophy 7e. McGraw Hill. (10th Ed.) Chapter. The Challenge of Cultural Relativism.


CrashCourse (2016). Natural Law Theory: Crash Course Philosophy #34 [Video File]. Retrieved from YouTube.
Philosopher Games (2023). Three Moral Theories | Normative Ethics [Video File]. Retrieved from YouTube.


Kant, Immanuel
Philosophy Tube (2016). Beginner’s Guide to Kant’s Moral Philosophy [Video File]. Retrieved from YouTube.
BBC Radio 4 (2014). Kant’s Axe [Video File]. Retrieved from YouTube.

Utilitarianism, Act and Rule

CrashCourse (2016). Utilitarianism: Crash Course Philosophy #36 [Video File]. Retrieved from YouTube.


Virtue Ethics

The Greatest Happiness Principle
by John Stuart Mill
Excerpted from Chapter 2: “What Utilitarianism Is”, Utilitarianism, (1863)
Groundwork for the Metaphysic of Morals
by Immanuel Kant (1785); translation by Jonathan Bennett
Nicomachean Ethics
by Aristotle
Excerpted from Nicomachean Ethics (around 340 BC)
The Challenge of Cultural Relativism
by James Rachels, (1999)
The Challenge of Cultural Relativism. (2022). In The Elements of Moral Philosophy (10th ed.). McGraw-Hill.
Would You Want to Live That Way?
by Melinda Penner
Excerpted from the article End of Life Ethics: A Primer (2013)

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