Compose a research paper that addresses the topic of identifying the sort of skewness in the amount spent on food.

Compose a research paper that addresses the topic of identifying the sort of skewness in the amount spent on food.Create an excel sheet with the following columns; Gender,age,weight, type of phone,amount spend
per day on food, amount spend on calls per day, KCPE mark, KCSE grade, preference of (ugali, rice
and githeri) on a scale of five for supper, birth position , tribe, 1. Identify the following:

i. Type of each variable
ii. Level of measurement of each variable
2. Collect data from 13 students on above variables within the university
3. Compute T-score of each KCPE Mark
4. Spearman’s correlation coefficient between amount spend on phone call and food
5. Regression line of age on weight
6. Among the three foods which on one should be prepared in plenty?
7. Identify type of skewdness for amount spend on food
8. Represent on pie-chart three modal tribes

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