Compose a research paper that explains what the shortest philosophy essay is.

Compose a research paper that explains what the shortest philosophy essay is.3. Your paper should be around 2-4 pages (approximately 750 words). It should be no shorter than 500 words, excluding title page and end notes, if any.
4. Look carefully at the topic and write on that topic alone. Do not waste words on material which does not have a direct bearing on your paper topic.
5. Make sure that your paper has a thesis statement, preferably in the first paragraph.

6. Make sure that your paper includes a word count. Be sure this count excludes words from the title page and end notes. Papers without a word count will be penalized half a letter grade.
7.If any part of your paper is plagiarized, you will receive a zero (0) for the assignment without any possibility for improving the grade. Additionally, your paper will be forwarded to the office of the ombudsperson for possible adjudication on the charge of academic dishonesty.
Topic for Paper:
1. As carefully as you can, state the core claims of Divine Command Theory. Then, equally carefully, present the Euthyphro Problem as a serious objection to this view. Do you believe the Euthyphro Problem successfully undermines Divine Command Theory? Argue for your evaluation.

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