Compose a study describing Felix’s friends’ recommendations about digital marketing.

Compose a study describing Felix’s friends’ recommendations about digital marketing.For the following assignment look at the pdf friends of felix as it is the case study. using other concept pdf available look at the requirements and do analysis accordingly in order to provide recommendation to the brand to improve their marketing strategies provide recommendation. use additional notes document to refer to extra notes from the CEO of the brand. focus on the funnel approach and refer to the jun sample by sristi gulati to get reference. following are the topics you can refer to. look at the friends of felix pdf for rubric requirements and follow that
Rank at the top of the search engine
Want to end up at the top, “featured snippet”
Do serP

Digital forensics
Testing and Attribution
Paid Advertisements
Google ads, Amazon search ads, Bing
There are also Gmail Sponsored Promotions (Gmail Ads), which was on Beta until Summer 2016 (now accessible via the Google Ads interface)

Google ad media types:-
Pay per click advertisement


Email and Lifecycle Marketing
Good for keeping your brand on top of mind
When crafting emails, ensure your subject lines don’t use too much punctuation
Don’t use words like “ca$h” or “free” in subject line
Nurtures emails are a set number of emails deployed over a set number of days
Companies with slower buying cycled might deploy emails over a longer time period (first email in a week, or a month)
You can remarket individuals via Facebook Audience Network, Google, and other platforms granted you have an email list/ account based marketing (ABM)
Lifecycle Pyramid: The Pyramid looks to turn new customers into loyal followers

Video + viral Marketing
6 STEPPS for Viral Content

Social currency – we share what makes us look good (or alternatively, what makes other people look bad).
Triggers – we share what pops up at top of mind.
Emotion – we share things that evoke strong emotional responses.
Public – we imitate what we see people around us are doing, and what we can relate to.
Practical value – we share things that have value to others (news, for example).
Stories – we share stories.

Recommendation:- official humans of Bombay

Display Advertisements + retargeting
SEO for HTML (?)
Social Media + Inbound Marketing
Inbound marketing ideas: start a blog/talk to customers who have been through mental health awareness
Social Influencers
Many social influencers are looking for content to cover
Find relevant angles with publications, bloggers, and other social influencers to create a funnel projection

Think about how social influencers work within the funnel – how are they discovered, what’s the next step after being discovered, and so-far down the funnel
TikTok Insights
Keyword insights tool:
Through the TikTok Creative Center, you can see ads that are being used, similar to the Facebook Ads Library
The TikTok Creative Center provides more data insights than Facebook Ads Library, as TikTok also includes CTR, comments, likes and shares on ads

Google funnel
ToFu: Non-branded paid search, display advertising, YouTube ads
MoFu: Retargeting, Gmail sponsored promotions
BoFu: Retargeting, Branded paid search, Google shopping feed
Facebook Funnel
ToFu: Behavioural audiences, interest-based audiences
MoFu: Nested lookalike audiences, 1% lookalike audiences
BoFu: Custom audiences, retargeting, lead generation cards

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