Compose a study on the application of constitutional law to criminal justice.

This assignment is part of the requirements to satisfy the course competencies for CRJU 2020 Constitutional Law for Criminal Justice. In the past weeks, you have been given reading assignments to help prepare for the final project.
Case briefs are essential to all components of the criminal justice system. Case briefing is a long-used method of studying law. Its purpose is to have student identify the rules of law found in court cases and analyze how courts apply these rules of law to the facts of a case in an objective and rational manner. Although often used in law school, criminal justice professionals have also found the Compose a study on the application of constitutional law to criminal justice. usefulness in case briefs because it give the substance and rational of the reasoning without many editorial comments; thus saving time when reading.

In weeks 4, 5, and 6 you were given reading assignments of three cases and asked to note several key points. For the final project, you will have to provide a case brief for each of the cases using the provided template.
Use the Appendix A document as a guide when completing the brief. It explains details on what to look for in the case. Then, using the provided template, brief the case. You may simply replace the words in the template with the information from the case. DO NOT change the format of the template.

The following cases will be briefed for this assignment:
Graham v. Connor (1989)
Mapp v. Ohio (1961)
Tennessee v. Garner (1985)
The assignment should be completed and turned in through the submission link as ONE document (containing the four briefed cases).

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