Compose a study that explains who wrote the ninth edition of The Norton Anthology of American Literature.

Argues a thesis about the characters, events, or ideas in any of the readings in the Native American section. Don’t just summarize biographical information. Argue a thesis about one of the assigned literary works.
Integrates material from the Introduction (pp. 3-29) to support your thesis.
Is about 250 words.
Follows APA style in its use of in-text citations and a References entry at the bottom of the post. See below for an example.
Includes two properly integrated and cited direct quotations to support your claims. See the Literary Analysis Tools Module from this week’s activities for information about integrating and citing quotations.

Assigned Reading:
Introduction and Timeline: Norton pp. 3-28.
Native American Oral Literature: Norton pp. 29-44.

Samples of title formatting, a references entry, and an inline citation appear below. They should not just be copied and pasted, but should reflect the current work under discussion.
Title formatting in the body of your posts: “The Author to Her Book.”

Title formatting in the references entry: The author to her book.
Sample inline citation: (Bradstreet, 2023, p. 122)
The bottom of your paper should have a references entry that follows the model below:
Bradstreet, A. (2023). The author to her book. In R. S. Levine (Ed.), The Norton anthology of American literature: Beginnings to 1865 (Shorter 9th ed., pp. 122-3). W.W. Norton & Company.
CITING A TRANSLATED WORK WITH NO AUTHOR: Since Native American oral literature does not have any identifiable author, only translators into English, cite the translator of the work this way:
The Iroquois creation story . (D. Cusick, Trans.). (2023). In R. S. Levine (Ed.), The Norton anthology of American literature: Beginnings to 1865 (Shorter 10th ed., pp. 32-35). W.W. Norton & Company.
In-text citation: (“Iroquois,” 2023, p. 33).

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