Conduct an internet search to find a compelling article, video, or podcast that showcases a specific AI use case aiding supply chain managers in logistics.

1: Conduct an internet search to find a compelling article, video, or podcast that showcases a specific AI use case aiding supply chain managers in logistics.
You can find examples of different AI applications in supply chain management in the resources provided below.

2: Analyze your selected resource by addressing the following in 200-300 words:
Provide the link to the article, video, or podcast.
Explain how the AI application featured in the article helps supply chain managers tackle the ’empty shelves’ problem.

Reflect on whether this AI application could have enhanced the effectiveness of the logistics network you designed in the midterm project. If yes, how?
Speculate on how advancements in AI and technology at large might continue to influence supply chain management in the future.

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