Conducting a Porter’s five-forces analysis of the Australian coffee shop business.

Every student is
expected to keep up with current events by reading the Wall Street Journal and the Financial
Times. Students will be asked to analyze a real-world business case. The
write-up should include: (1) the key strategic issues, (2) models from this
course that help structure analysis of
the information provided in the article, (3) the student’s original analysis of the situation (not a summary
of the facts or analysis provided in the assigned article or video!), and (4)
recommendations to the top management team of the company involved. The length
of the business case write-up should be 4 to 6 double-spaced pages with 12-point
font and the write-up should be submitted through BB.

The business case
for this assignment is “Why Starbucks
Failed In Australia.” The business case is described here: You can find additional materials online
to support your arguments.

In the write-up,
you should analyze the causes of Starbucks’ failed entry attempt in Australia
by: 1) conducting a Porter’s five-forces analysis of the Australian coffee shop
business; 2) assessing Starbucks’ business strategy in the Australian market;
and 3) assessing Starbucks’ global strategy. Make sure to analyze the business
case with the concepts and tools covered in class. 4) Conclude the write-up
with recommendations to Starbucks’ top management on how to succeed in
Australia (you can elaborate on the most recent approach mentioned at the end
of the video or suggest alternative approaches).

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