Constitute a review of the book’s major arguments and an application of Goffman’s theory on a contemporary situation, event, or experience.

brief paper based on Goffman’s book

Constitute a review of the book’s major arguments and an application of Goffman’s theory on a contemporary situation, event, or experience.

Include and highlight these main arguments/theories:
– impression management:
-Expressions given and expressions given off
– Unmeant gestures, scenes, faux pas
– Dramaturgical loyalty, dramaturgical discipline,
– Tactful act
– The Self as a performer

– Front stage/Back stage
– Back and front regions/stages
– regionalization
– Decorum, the outside
– Audience segregation

write these two parts interwoven or separately.

Work like a microsociologist and look at the particular scenes of the microworld to understand the social whole.

paper should mimic microsociologists’ work by taking small social settings or interactions between humans on a conversational level and slicing them down and examining the parts.

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