Contingency Leadership Theories

Follow the instructions: If you do not know anything about the subject, do not take on the assignment. Read all instructions carefully.

Leadership Theories
This week’s focuses on contingency and behavioral leadership theories.
You will discuss the major similarities and differences as well as compare and contrast different contingency leadership models.
Read the following chapter from your text, Leadership: Theory, Application, & Skill
Development 6th edition – Lussier & Achua, 2016.

Read Chapter 4: Contingency
Leadership Theories and Watch the following video.
· War of the Sexes: Power and Leadership, Bellevue University Library, Films on Demand, 2009
· Gender roles are very much a hot topic in today’s society.
· After reading Chapter 4 from the text and viewing this week’s video.
In 2 full pages answers to the following question.
· Should gender be a contingency variable in leadership?
· Is it ethically and socially responsible to say that one gender makes better leaders?
· What is your experience with male vs. female leadership?

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