Create a Business Plan for a Custom Sticker printing business.

This will be a minimum 750-word paper, twelve-point type. Grading will be 80% for using concepts and vocabulary from the course to describe and plan your business organization. 20% of your grade will be for following the outline below, grammar, and paragraph structure. Follow the outline below to describe your business. Each topic should be a section heading in your paper. If a section does not apply, use the heading, and under it, explain why it does not apply. Name of Business: Runningchicken Co. **Executive Summary – what the business is about, why it exists, a few sentences summary of what it is about, and why it will be successful. ** of Business – retail, manufacturing, or service, your product or offer, the types of customers, organized as a proprietorship, partnership, Corporation, LLC **Mission and Vision Statement/Core Values – for instance, a great workplace, a trusted supplier, high-quality work/products, improving employees’ lives, serving the community, making money, enjoying what we do, etc. **SWOT Analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) Strategic Plan – what will be your strengths (much experience, partners, $$, etc.), your weaknesses (what you need to add, like $$, expertise, etc.), your main opportunities (why, how, and where you will be successful), and who or what will be your main competitive threats **Management and Leadership Plan – organization structure/chart, roles, people (and their background), motivation and management methods, and approach **Goods & Services – what you will sell, make, assemble, and service you provide **Development & Production – make it yourself, buy foreign materials or components, storefront, or in the home. What is your supply chain? **Distribution – food truck, storefront, delivery service, third party, etc. **Marketing & Sales – Your Product, Price, Place, and Promotion. What is the value you offer your customers? Are Price and Distribution intensive or exclusive? What are your market segments? How will you use the Internet and digital marketing? **Financial Plan – startup $ needed, time to begin to make a profit, average costs, average selling price (margin), time to start making a profit. What is your breakeven? Use very general numbers. Monthly Breakeven example We are using a retail store as an example – not absolute numbers. The average customer spends $100. The Overhead (wages, taxes, advertising, utilities) is $50,000 a month. The Cost of goods (inventory) sold is 50% = $50 per customer. What is my monthly breakeven? I must have 1,000 customers a month to break even. 1,000 x $100 = $100,000 in sales. Minus $50,000 inventory cost. Minus $50,000 in operating costs. = $100,000 in sales to break even. To make a profit, after monthly breakeven, add 100 more customers or sell more than $100 to some customers = $10,000 more sales – $5,000 inventory cost + $5,000 profit.

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