Create a financial statement for your new business venture.

Create a financial statement for your new business venture. Using the Excel template
provided, and
based on surveying a specific marketplace, make a best guess estimated
statement exhibiting profit and loss. There are 38 blanks to fill in. Our Rubric has two
criteria (accuracy and correctness): You will
earn one point for filling in each entry and
one point for your data being accurate.

In business, accuracy counts, so please include a word document that describes how
you arrived at
the numbers used in your income statement. Make sure you check and
recheck your numbers before
submitting your financial statements.

• Complete all sections of the Excel template
• Provide accurate numbers in all areas of the Excel template
• Accuracy word document should be 1-page, double-spaced. There is no
expectation that the
document would exceed 2-pages in length.

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