Create a slideshow/ presentation

Now it’s time to become a detective! Research everything you can about the algorithm you’ve been assigned. Find out where it came from, why people like using it, and what makes it special. Discuss with your group how this algorithm can help people understand math better.

**Step 3: Sharing What You’ve Learned**
Create a slides presentation. You’ll present the alternative algorithm to your classmates. Teach them the steps of the algorithm, give examples to make it clear, and point out the cool things that make it different from what we usually learn.

**Step 4: Thinking and Talking About It**
During your presentation, make sure to answer these important questions:
• How is this algorithm different from the usual ways we learn in the US?
• Does this method help you really understand math, or is it more like a “trick”? Explain your thoughts.
• What good things could come from using this different way of doing math?
• Are there any connections to US elementary math instruction?
• Remember: Some methods use step-by-step procedures (algorithms), while others use tools or hands-on stuff (manipulatives). Be clear about which is which!

**Step 5: Wrapping Up**
When you’re done, wrap things up by summarizing the most important things you learned. Think about why it’s valuable to explore different math methods and how these can make teaching and learning math even better.

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