Define “political crime.” Why are political crimes considered highly subjective?

Criminology 8th Edition by: Larry J. Siegel
• Publisher: Cengage

1. Define “political crime.” Why are political crimes considered highly subjective? (2 pts)
2. List and briefly describe the four cognitive stages that Randy Borum believes individuals take to become political criminals. (2 pts)
3. List the six types of political crimes. (1 pt)
4. What is election fraud? According to the Breenan Center for Justice, how common is voter fraud? (2 pts)
5. What is the only crime mentioned in the U.S. Constitution? How is it defined and what must occur for a conviction in this crime to occur? (2 pts)
6. Define “espionage.” (1 pt)
7. What are the traditional methods of industrial espionage? What did the report from the National Counterintelligence Center list as the top targets for foreign industrial espionage? (2 pts)
8. List the five types of state political crimes. What do critical criminologists find to be the main reason for the commission of state political crime? (2 pts)
9. Under what circumstances do experts argue most Americans would find torture to be justified? What would be required for a “torture warrant” to be issued as described by Alan Dershowitz? (2 pts)
10. Do you think state-sanctioned torture is ever justifiable? Explain why or why not. (1 pt)
11. As you can see by the many definitions of terrorism provided and by the author’s own statement, terrorism is hard to define. In your own words, explain how you think terrorism should be defined. (1 pt)
12. What are the six generalized common forms of terrorism as listed in the source material? (1 pt)
13. Contrast revolutionary terrorism and nationalist terrorism. (1 pt)
14. What steps did law enforcement take following 9/11 to combat terrorism? (1 pt)
15. What was the Military Commissions Act of 2006? What was the Supreme Court’s response to this act? (2 pts)
16. What is the USA Patriot Act? What four surveillance tools did it strengthen? (2 pts)
Bonus: List the eight views of what motivates a terrorist. Which do you think is the most likely motivator? Explain your reasoning and include why this motivator might lead someone to commit violent acts of terror. (2 pts)

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