Define trans-misogyny and explain what you see as the potential impacts of this on trans women.

You should pull in information from the sources you read/watched/listened to that were listed within the prompt in your response. When answering each question, please provide a response of 75-150 words each.

Reading Response 4:
Define trans-misogyny and explain what you see as the potential impacts of this on trans women. How do you think trans-misogyny might be akin to or resulting from the misogyny that cis women face in the US? How is it different?
Describe the differences between sex, gender identity, and gender expression.
Based on the video by The Take, name and describe at least two of the dangerous and incorrect ways that trans people (usually trans women) have historically been portrayed in the media.
In general, explain how trans representation in
media has changed over time. Why and in what ways has trans representation improved? What is still broken and damaging to trans men and women?
How do concepts like medical discrimination, anti-trans legislation, and parental and cultural lack of support or belief of a child’s gender correlate with what we know about the mental health crisis that faces trans people? How can we help at the individual level, when it often feels helpless at a systemic level to fix these issues? Why is it imperative that we respond at the interpersonal level with our own loved ones who are trans?

Gender and Sex – Transgender and Intersex

Reading Response 5:
Explain some of the feminist arguments against decriminalization of sex work.
Explain some of the feminist arguments for decriminalization of sex work.
How does the stigma against sex workers hinder their ability to do their work safely?
Why do many women consider sex work to be part of sexual liberation and their autonomy?

Racialized, Gendered, and Sexualized Labor in the Global Economy

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