Describe 5 questions you might want to ask of these entities ( e.g. how many, how much . . ) when stored in your database.

Prepare the following 4-6 page document for upload into Canvas..
General criteria:
0. Think different ( Steve Jobs)
PART I – the SQL component ( Part II will be the integration of the NoSQL component )
Cover the topics below, in this order. Place headings between topics…
1. Determine an area and a topic within that area of interest to you. ( Energy, Agriculture, Finance, BioMedical, Entertainment, Gaming, Sports, Education, Sociology, Physics, Gene splicing, etc. specify this!
2. Describe the importance/interest to you of this area , i.e why do this at all???
3. Acquire a small collection of information entities ( say 5-10 ) that would be representative of this area
4. Describe 5 questions you might want to ask of these entities ( e.g. how many, how much . . ) when stored in your database.

4.56. Draw a job flow from acquisition to query status , that is, Where are you going to start to get your data, then how will you prepare it for your model,
Below is is CrossIndustry job flow/process diagram (CRISP)
now, fill out your particular flow using this general template..
Then , given this general flow above, how will you now use the CSDP to draw your ORM diagram?
5. Make a ORM diagram model of these entities identifying a few important attributes and (nested? )relationships. This is a precursor to modeling these as JSON structures..Which we cover in the second phase of this project, the NoSQL phase, see below.
Your ORM model should have the 5 + entities relevant to your queries. One ternary relation is required ( this is super easy since most every linkage could have a Date component). In addition, your diagram needs at least 2 subtypes ( see the absorption option in the properties window else your subtypes wont show up separately).
5.5 Now show your generated relational schema
6. Show at least two of your relational tables with 2 or three rows of input…
(that is, create a couple of your tables and insert 2 or three rows)
6.1 Summary ( what you accomplished, so far.) e.g.: Did you answer the questions you proposed?
6.2 Conclusions ( what can you infer from your summary, where to go from here?

Phase II (To be included in the final project written submission)

This phase will extend your relational model with a NoSQL model
7. Keep in mind that the final project will require a Couchbase implementation, of your model. (as will be described subsequently)
8. Summary ( what you accomplished,) e.g.: Did you answer the questions you proposed?
9. Conclusions ( what can you infer from your summary, where to go from here? New thoughts generated?, New projects envisioned?
NoSQL Phase ( this is an extension of the relational approach)
This will rely heavily on the ideas and operations in the text SQL++ by Chamberlin( The co-creator of the IBM SQL language)
Also, I have written some notes on Couchbase.

After this first proposal, and subsequent modules, I will ask you to go back to your initial database and consider how you might use the “nested” structures that the relational approach dis-allows.
For example, you might have an address the spans two relational columns ( or maybe it only takes one column and the second column is null). How could you model that in JSON? Or, you have a Pizza ordering system and want the order to show multiple Pizzas, This is very easy in JSON since you can have arrays in your database.
1. From your ORM diagram, identify at least two entities that could be nested.
2. Write down the JSON Structures of these entities, these are called Key-Value documents or simply JSON documents.
Note: a Couchbase storage unit, called a bucket, is equivalent to a relational database.
3. Construct a Couchbase “database” and enter these into your Couchbase Query service to construct a JSON “database” called a “bucket”. ( instructions will follow in the next set of modules)
4. Switch to the Couchbase Analytics service and query your database.
5. Show your bucket and your queries as part of your output
6. Summary ( what did you manage to accomplish
7. Conclusion ( what connection do you see between the Couchbase-JSON approach and the SQL-Server-Relational approach.
Where can you go from here —???
8. References

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