Describe and explain in detail your experiential learning opportunity.

Describe and explain in detail your experiential learning opportunity. (max 300 words)
Here is the description of the study abroad program:
Studying at the No. 1 University in the Spanish Speaking world
Explore Mexico City, one of the great cities of the Americas
Enjoy traditional Mexican food with locals
Visit one of the most important archaeological sites in the world (Teotihuacan), among other site visits
This course, taught by UMass Boston professor Luis Jiménez, takes a broad look at human rights in Mexico. It begins with the political, economic, and social context of the Mexican state to understand how and why state capacity has generally been poor and why its poor human record has developed in the way it has. It then moves to look at how the legal framework has developed with regard to specific human rights violations such as forced disappearances and culminates with a look at the most prominent case in the last few decades, the 2014 Ayotzinapa mass kidnappings.

This course is part of a Summer program, which means students will receive instruction abroad for a portion of it. It will be done in coordination with UNAM, the National Autonomous University of Mexico, the largest university in the country, and scholars based in Mexico City. While in Mexico City, instruction will be given at UNAM from 10 am to Noon. In the afternoon and on those Fridays we will have side visits to Xochimilco, Teotihuacan, Chapultepec, and several other important Mexico City landmarks. This course counts for the international diversity in the general education requirements.

Students will earn 3 credits in POLSCI 370: Human Rights & Immigration in Mexico in this program. This course satisfies the international diversity requirement at UMass Boston and is open to all majors.

What skills and knowledge do you hope to gain from this experience? How does this experience contribute to your future goals? (max 200 words left)

Some background information to help:
As a Bostonian with deep ties to Latin American heritage, I find myself drawn to the vibrant tapestry of cultures, histories, and identities that define the Latin American experience. My life started in a bilingual home where both Spanish and English merged naturally while stories contradicting my father’s Mexican roots and my mother’s Colombian heritage intersected. I, therefore, came to love all the cultural facets that made the Latino community unique and vibrant. This has led me not only to love Latino Studies, one of the subjects I find most interesting and enjoyable but also to plan an exploratory trip to Latin America, the place with the most exciting cultures. It is passion and uncountable questions that I look forward to having this adventure of becoming part of the program of study abroad in Mexico City.
My decision to apply for this program stems from a deep-seated motivation to explore further and understand the cultural, social, and historical dynamics of Mexico, a country that holds a significant place in my familial lineage. Even though living in a city filled with stories, traditions, and flavors of my Mexican heritage, I realize there is more beyond the place of my familiarity that I do not know yet, which is Boston. In the amazing metropolitan area of Mexico City, where native peoples, the colonial period, and modern urban areas coexist, it is an opportunity not to miss to know Mexico’s social and cultural life thoroughly.
Moreover, as a criminology and criminal justice student, I am acutely aware of the importance of understanding the socio-cultural context in which crime and justice systems operate. Mexican social space is a highly problematic area, including problems of inequality, corruption, and organized crime, with the highest levels of poverty in its large cities. It is a valuable case study that highlights the links between crime, justice, and society. Through the study experience in Mexico City, I hope to gain a personal perspective of the difficulties and the layers involved in law enforcement, criminal justice, and social policies in a densely occupied metropolitan area that is culturally burgeoning.
Despite never having visited Mexico before, I am prepared and eager to embrace the opportunities and challenges of studying abroad in Mexico City. Criminology and Latino Studies classes I have taken have expanded my critical thinking skills, enabling me to comprehend and Participate in social issues that often complicate our society. In addition to the linguistic and cultural factors, I pointed out, my bilingual and bicultural upbringing has also had its share of exposure to different traits such as adaptability, empathy, and the eagerness to learn varied perspectives, which are desirable qualities to be exhibited when in an unknown city like Mexico.
On top of my academic readiness, I understand the hassle of living overseas and promise to fully engage with the Mexican community and embrace the culture during my stay in Mexico. Be it a volunteering project, event participating, or visiting one of the many neighborhoods and markets, I want to build lasting relationships and a thorough understanding of the ordinary life of Mexico City. I have viewed this study abroad experience as more than just a progress illustrator as a scientist and an individual; equally, it has embodied friends and connections whose meanings go beyond borders and cultures.
In conclusion, my decision to pursue a study abroad experience in Mexico City is driven by a desire to explore my cultural roots, deepen my understanding of Mexican society and culture, and broaden my academic and personal horizons. With a strong academic foundation, a spirit of curiosity and openness, and a commitment to meaningful engagement, I am confident that I am prepared to make the most of this transformative experience. I am eager to embark on this journey of discovery and look forward to the opportunities and adventures that await me in Mexico City.

Describe any circumstances that make this award financially necessary/important for your participation in this experience. (max 300 words)
How will the fellowship award contribute to your success in college? ( max 200 words)

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