Describe each organelle and its function (e.g., the plasma membrane surrounds the cell and separates it from the external environment while allowing some molecules to enter or leave the cell as needed).

Cells are incredibly complex systems that carry on the same basic functions as we do to sustain life. The difference is cells function with much smaller parts. These small parts, or organelles, are equally complex, and learning the different organelles and their unique functions can be challenging.

Analogies are a great way to relate things you learn in class to everyday things. As a result, you’ll remember it better.

Your assignment is to relate the structure and/or function of a cell and its organelles to a particular ‘theme’ representing an everyday situation or thing using an analogy. The example given below compares the cell to a city.
You must describe each organelle and its function (e.g., the plasma membrane surrounds the cell and separates it from the external environment while allowing some molecules to enter or leave the cell as needed).
You must also explain how the cell is analogous to the theme you choose.
Including drawings or images will score higher for that criterion. You may use images from the internet, but they must be ‘fair use’ and include a working link to where you found it.
Your analogy should include a minimum of 6-8 organelles.
Name your file: Last Name_First Initial_Cell Analogy. The expected format is PDF or .docx. DO NOT upload an image (.jpeg or .png) because they are difficult to view. Most phones can convert images into PDF files.
Upload your analogy document below, no more than 2 pages in length.
Do not upload PowerPoint because the size may be too big.
Important Note: There are many examples on the internet, and you can easily Google your way through this assignment. But – so can I. Points will be deducted if it looks like you just copied it. You can resubmit once to try for a better score (let me know you are resubmitting). Be creative!

***Do NOT use this example – it’s just to give you a place to start thinking: The Cell and The City Analogy.***

The nucleus of a cell is the cell’s control center because it is where all of the information, genetic information, or DNA needed for the cell to function is found. Therefore, it is like city hall because that is where all the governing and information policy needed to run a city is found.
The mitochondria of a cell are where energy in the form of ATP is generated through the breakdown of glucose molecules. In cities, a power plant is similar because electric energy is made from fuel, such as coal or natural gas.
Plus at least four more for a minimum of six cell structures.

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