Describe/explain the type of research used (e.g. qualitative, quantitative, design). What were the objectives or purpose of the study?

In this assignment, you will use both previously approved articles and complete a summary.
Please upload a copy of each approved article. Note: The Turnitin similarity percentage will be high on the articles, so this is expected. You mustreview the Turnitin similarity report for the article summaries document and make necessary edits to ensure there are no areas of plagiarism.
Summarize each article using the following criteria:
Describe/explain the type of research used (e.g. qualitative, quantitative, design).
What were the objectives or purpose of the study?
Describe the setting.
Describe the population and sample included in the study. How were participants recruited for the study?
Describe the data collection method used (instrument- if applicable, observation, questionnaires, physiological measures, etc.). See Chapters 12 & 13.
What were the conclusions/findings? For the qualitative study, what themes were identified?

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