Describe, in detail, the reactions of others. What happened as a result of this violation? How did you feel as you were violating the norm? Why did you feel the way you did? How did others react?

This exercise asks you to violate a norm and write a report about the experience. This is a type of “experiment” where you create a situation (social context) and write about people’s reactions.
1. Select a norm common in our society
2. BREAK the norm in a social setting.
-Elevator behavior: With a friend, have a heated argument in an elevator.
-Elevator behavior: Sit on the floor of an elevator and study/read a book.
-With friends, when eating together: avoid making any eye contact with your friends while talking with them, during the entire meal.
-Walk around a grocery store (or convenience store, etc.) with an umbrella up or wear several masks or a super interesting one.
-Clothing – wear clothing NOT appropriate for a particular context (e.g., formal wear or pajamas to the grocery store).
-Sing or hum in a public place.
-Stand in front of a building and look up at the top of it (for no particular reason).

3. Observe the reactions of others and yourself, both verbal and nonverbal.
4. Reflect on these reactions and write a 5 paper on it.

This paper should be 5 pages in length, typewritten and double-spaced in 12-pt font. Use the subheadings below (use them as subheadings in your paper). Be sure to cover all these points in each section.

Introduction: Introduce your social experiment. Define the norm you will violate. Describe briefly how this norm acts as a social rule or expectation. How does this norm act as a rule or expectation in a particular social setting?

Methods Describe your experiment – how you violated the norm. You may write this section in the first person but do keep your language formal. Describe the physical setting – where the norm violation took place and describe the social setting – how many and what types of people were observing you.

Result: Describe, in detail, the reactions of others. What happened as a result of this violation? How did you feel as you were violating the norm? Why did you feel the way you did? How did others react?

Interpretation & Discussion: Discuss your experience in light of class material. This section should be about 2 pages long and should draw upon at least one external article. Incorporate relevant LECTURE material you find. What did the reactions of other people and your own feelings show you about norms and social control? How did this experience show you the reality of social structure?

Works Cited & Appendix: should be at the end of your paper, does not count towards total page count. As long as you are consistent, you may use any style you want.

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