Describe the disaster (in no more than 50 words)–what happened, the impacts, and who were the members of the emergency response team.

“Disaster!” seems to be a common word we hear often in the news and social media nowadays. While we will likely never know the full impact of it on people’s lives, we (community-based nurses), should know how to assist the communities in need (from the preparation to the rehabilitation stage). This posting assignment will help you to think about what you can do for your community in times of need.

– Search and locate the news or articles related to disasters taken place in the US (within the past 7 years). DO NOT choose COVID-19 since it has been used in prior assignments by multiple classmates.
– Describe the disaster (in no more than 50 words)–what happened, the impacts, and who were the members of the emergency response team.
– Imagine yourself as a public health nurse at the Department of Public Health in that community. In 200 – 225 words, discuss your professional roles in the emergency stage AND reconstruction/rehabilitation stage.

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