Describe the manner in which the meeting was conducted.

Attend one city council meeting for the city in which you live, or watch a video of an actual city council meeting from a city (does not have to be where you reside). Prepare a summary of the meeting which discusses the following:
Identify the city for which you are reporting. If you watched a video instead of attending your city’s meeting, provide the URL for a link to the video.
Describe the manner in which the meeting was conducted. How were items addressed in the meeting? Was the public allowed to comment on any topics, specifically or generally? Were there any limitations on the conduct of the meeting?

A summary of the business addressed during the meeting, including the actions decided and the results of votes taken (number of yay, nay, abstain, recused);
A discussion of any particularly contentious or controversial topics, including the various positions taken on the topic. If none, explain why you believe no topics were contentious.
Your commentary on the topics addressed in the meeting. Do you agree/disagree with the actions taken and why? Are there any factors that you believe should have been considered, but were not addressed? If so, what were those factors, why do you think they are important, and what impact do you think those factors would have had on the decision?
If you watched a video of a city meeting instead of attending your city meeting, explain whether you believe your city would have decided in the same way on the matters addressed, and why.

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