Describe the proposed methodological framework that aligns the topic, problem, gap, and project questions.

Topic: Artificial Intelligence
(A.I) use in the interview process to assess people’s skills, The paragraph below is part of the initial topic.
The specific business problem is to prove the effectiveness
of using AI to assess people’s skills during interviews. According to a
LinkedIn article by Intelion Sytems (2023), only “35% to 45% of companies
utilize AI recruitment tools” (Para, 7). The adoption of AI-powered candidate
evaluation tools within the hiring process is increasing, offering potential
benefits for efficiency and data-driven decision-making. However, the lack of
widespread adoption suggests significant challenges surrounding the technology,
including concerns about bias, ethical considerations, and the need for
transparency (Kassir et al., 2023). These factors hinder organizations from
fully utilizing the potential of AI in hiring. This in turn lowers productivity
in any given company. Peter Al-Alawi et al. (2021) together with Ore and
Sposato (2022) researched the role played by AI in sourcing candidates and
potential biases that may emerge during this procedure

Consult the Virtual ResidencyLinks to an external site. Campus page for your program’s Project Plan Guide for specific expectations of the following sections. Remember to update the reference list as you add resources to support your project development.
Use your Project Plan Template and guide to complete the following:
Proposed Project Framework
Your project framework should be clearly defined and include population, foundations, phenomena, and variables. The framework consists of three elements:
Methodological Approach.
Describe the proposed methodological framework that aligns the topic, problem, gap, and project questions.
Population and Sample (including site if necessary).
Describe the proposed target population as it aligns with the topic, purpose, and questions.
Foundations, Phenomena, Variables.
Present evidence and explanation for the final choice of framework.
Data Collection
Describe the proposed data collection procedures and potential ethical considerations associated with your data collection. Data collection begins once informed consent is confirmed. Describe where your respondents or data are, and how you will gather information from those individuals or sites. Indicate the steps necessary to gather and secure data.
Ethical Considerations
Explain potential risks to study participants and how each risk will be mitigated to reduce ethical conflicts. Describe any ethical considerations that should be in place to address the sample, the population overall, the data, and the topic. Fully explain how you plan to protect your human participants along with any data collected through other providers.

Support identified ethical, confidentiality, privacy, security, anonymity, and credibility issues and mitigation strategies with scholarly references. Be sure to cite literature associated with ethical responsibilities, including The Belmont Report (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 1979).
Include in-text citations and a references section at the end of your assignment.
Additional Requirements
Written communication: Written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message.
Continue to use your Project Plan Template to structure your paper. Refer to the Virtual ResidencyLinks to an external site. Campus page for your PhD or Professional Doctorate program’s Project Plan Guide.
Resources: 6–10 scholarly references including seminal works. Include in Reference section at the end of the paper.
APA guidelines: Double-spaced paragraph formatting in the body of the paper. When appropriate, use APA-formatted headings. Resources and citations are formatted according to current APA style and format. Refer to Academic WriterLinks to an external site. as needed.
Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 points.
Review the rubric before submitting your assignment to ensure that you meet all criteria.
To support you in proofreading your assignments and before submitting your work through SafeAssign, ensure you use GrammarlyLinks to an external site. to help detect plagiarism, correct errors with grammar, usage, and writing mechanics.
To strengthen your writing, use theSafeAssign results to revise your work before submitting for grading.
Portfolio Prompt: You should consider adding this assignment to your personal ePortfolio. This assignment demonstrates your ability to address ethical considerations associated with your Project Plan. You will want to organize your course assignments to easily support future work on your dissertation or doctoral project and to showcase your knowledge with employers after graduation. For more information on ePortfolio, visit the Campus ePortfolioLinks to an external site. page.
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. (1979). The Belmont Report: Ethical principles and guidelines for the protection of human subjects of research.

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