Design the name of the consulting firm with a company log.

Capstone Assignment-HIM Consultant
Based on the inserted HIM career map and your interests and professional aspirations, identify and design an HIM consultation firm/company within a Non-traditional HIMsector. Upon utilization of the HIM career map and the web. including additional primary resources as well as other helpful sources of information to assist with your research (i.e., your textbook, journal articles, professional publications, etc.), create an APA report of (2-4) pages) identifying the setting, describing the essential duties of the consultation firm/company, and summarizing your final selection. At the minimum, the following must be included in your report:
1) Design the name of the consulting firm with a company log.
2)Model of a Non-traditional Setting, it (cannot be a traditional hospital setting)
3)Create a job title and description of the two essential staff and job functions
4)Create a mission and vision statement of the consultation company
5) List five scope
6)Propose a starting salary for the staffs
7)Map the minimum qualifications of the postition, including any required certifications

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