Develop a more refined layout. At this stage, the student is expected to provide a cost benefit analysis between major design considerations for the project from a high level perspective (ex: Class D).

Milestone 2: Option Analysis –Develop a more refined layout. At this stage, the student is
expected to provide a cost benefit analysis between major design considerations for the project from a high
level perspective (ex: Class D). The impact to the facility with various options will be included in a summary
report. This stage will include:

a. Design progression for all items under Stage 1. This includes for example refinement of layout
locations, improved lighting selections, calculations, mechanical schedule completion, SLD to 90%
including panel schedules and sizes, completion of all conductor sizing.

b. A summary report including review of options for the owner to consider. The claims in the report
should be backed by reputable scientific references. Some of these options include:

i. Inclusion of UPS equipment
ii. Generator type, location, sizing
iii. Distribution options for the site
iv. Renewable Energy or alternative sources
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v. Incorporation of zero carbon initiatives, such as electric vehicle chargers
vi. Consideration of future technologies that may impact design over 10-20 years
c. Student will be graded based on their ability to include as many of the owner’s desires into the
project, yet also maintain a feasible installation.

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