Develop a thesis-driven critique of one the following arguments from Peter Singer: effective altruists should support charities in developing countries and not in the U.S

Develop a thesis-driven critique
of one the following arguments from Peter Singer: effective altruists should
support charities in developing countries and not in the U.S.; effective
altruists may support charities that alleviate the suffering of animals;
effective altruists may give to causes that seek to avert “existential threats”
like pandemics or hyper-intelligent AI; effective altruists may want to “earn
to give”; effective altruists should donate kidneys (or perhaps other organs).
Your essay should include a fair summary of Singer’s claim along with your
critique. Support and refine your
critique by citing no fewer than three outside sources derived from library
research. (You might begin by consulting
the recent anthology, Effective Altruism:
Philosophical Issues [Oxford University Press, 2019].)

The essay should be between 1250 and 1500
words (not including headers, titles, works cited, footnotes, etc.).

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