Deviance activity

✤STEP 1: Find a current article about a crime that has been committed within the past three weeks. Look for language within the article that lends itself to a sociological explanation of the deviant behavior using one or more of the theories of deviance. You should not Google “crime” or “deviance” to find a current events article related to crime and deviance; rather, check reputable online news sources or an actual article about a crime or deviant behavior. There are always major deviant acts each week that make the national and local news.

✤Articles should be a minimum of 500 words, recent (within three weeks), relevant (related to crime, deviance, and social control), and from a reputable news source.

✤STEP 2: Write a thorough summary of the article.

✤STEP 3: Using your sociological imagination, write an analysis of the article that connects the main idea/s of the article to specific theory/theories from this module on “Deviance and Crime “

✤STEP 4: Include the link to your article, check for any writing errors, and submit your article with your response paper. APA Style. 250 word minimum.

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