Discovering Your Philosophy Assignment.

Open the Word document entitled Discovering Your Philosophy Inventory and Scoring Sheet.
Answer all of the twenty-five (25) questions related to educational philosophy.
For each statement, you will write one of the following answers next to the statement:
• Strongly Agree
• Agree
• Neutral
• Disagree
• Strongly Disagree
Next, you will complete the Scoring Sheet located in the document.
You will begin completing the Scoring Sheet in the following manner:
• Give yourself 4 points for every strongly agree answer
• Give yourself 3 points for every agree answer
• Give yourself 2 points for every neutral answer
• Give yourself 1 point for every disagree answer
• Give yourself 0 points for every strongly disagree answer
Next, you will tally your results by adding certain numbers related to certain questions that correspond to the respective educational philosophies listed.
Discovering Your Philosophy Resources
• Discovering Your Philosophy Inventory and Scoring Sheet

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