Discuss 2 communication strategies you would recommend to the NFL to discover unconscious bias and create buy-in for DEI efforts.

Subject: BUS 499 Business Administration Capstone

This is a Discussion Post assignment. You must read all attachments to complete this assignment. It is mandatory that you read and follow the directions Please provide a good detailed response. Cite sources according to Strayer Writing Standards (See Attached File) You must cite the sources correctly. ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE (AI SERVICES), CHATGPT,
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CASE STUDY: Making the Right Moves? The NFL and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Coach and Executive Hiring (See attached)


This week you read the case study: Making the Right Moves? The NFL and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Coach and Executive Hiring. You are also completing a communication plan activity that will be part of your Week 9 assignment.
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) programs can enhance organizations’ competitive position and brand perception. In the case study you are asked to assume the role of a consultant in helping to make the NFL’s commitments around DEI impactful and effectively communicating their resolve in enacting organizational change.
How can the NFL foster a culture that actively supports and promotes the growth of minority and women coaches and executives within the organization? Support your response with specific examples from the case study.
Discuss 2 communication strategies you would recommend to the NFL to discover unconscious bias and create buy-in for DEI efforts.
How might you use this approach when implementing DEI principles for your chosen company?
Provide a substantive response to one or more of your classmates.
Watch Dr. Keller’s video to help you get started: https://cdnapisec.kaltura.com/html5/html5lib/v2.101/mwEmbedFrame.php/p/956951/uiconf_id/49813573/entry_id/1_57j0dsgo?wid=_956951&iframeembed=true&playerId=kplayer&entry_id=1_57j0dsgo&flashvars[streamerType]=auto#

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You must follow the Strayer writing standards (see attached)
Use class textbook for one of your sources
Provide a substantive response to one or more of your classmates.

Week 7 – Learn
In The Leader of the Future 2:Visions, Strategies, and Practices for the New Era, read:
Chapter 5: How Cosmopolitan Leaders Inspire Confidence.
Link: https://search-ebscohost-com.libdatab.strayer.edu/login.aspx?direct=true&db=nlebk&AN=170549&site=ehost-live&scope=site&ebv=EB&ppid=pp_C1
Case Study: Making the Right Moves? The NFL and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Coach and Executive Hiring. (See Attached) In this case study you will examine how hiring, firing, interviewing, and other decision-making practices have impacted both the effectiveness and the image of the National Football League. It gives you the opportunity to assume the role of a consultant to analyze diversity and inclusion practices. This study will offer you a real-life example to help inform your business consulting plan assignment and you will use it in your discussion this week. (Note: This study is provided as an example, do not answer the questions or write the report mentioned in the case study.)
Article: Using the Theory of Change to Develop your Organisation’s Diversity & Inclusion Strategy Link: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/using-theory-change-develop-your-organisations-amogelang-motukisi

Class textbooks:
The Leader of the Future 2 : Visions, Strategies, and Practices for the New Era Author: Frances Hesselbein, Marshall Goldsmith
Please prepare a
professional detailed response as if you are conversing directly with classmate. No
No AI services such at CHATgpt to complete assignment. Must be in your own words.
Cite one source in response
Classmates Post: Leanna Collins

To foster a culture that actively supports and promotes the growth of minority and women coaches and executives within the NFL, the league can draw insights from the case study “Making the Right Moves? The NFL and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Coach and Executive Hiring.” One strategy is to establish clear diversity goals, as evidenced by the implementation of the Rooney Rule. This rule mandates that teams interview minority candidates for head coaching and senior football operation positions, leading to increased visibility and consideration for diverse candidates. Additionally, the NFL can invest in education and training programs tailored to minority and women coaches and executives. For instance, the case study highlights the Bill Walsh Diversity Coaching Fellowship program, which offers opportunities for minority coaches to gain experience in NFL training camps and coaching staffs. Furthermore, creating mentorship and networking opportunities can empower minority and women coaches and executives. By fostering relationships with established leaders in the league, individuals from underrepresented groups can receive guidance and support to advance their careers. These initiatives collectively contribute to building a culture of inclusion and equity within the NFL, facilitating the growth and success of minority and women professionals in coaching and executive roles.
By implementing these communication strategies, the NFL can uncover unconscious biases and foster greater buy-in for DEI efforts, ultimately promoting a more inclusive and equitable environment within the league:
Training and Workshops: The NFL could implement comprehensive training programs and workshops focused on unconscious bias awareness and mitigation techniques. These sessions could be mandatory for all staff, including coaches, executives, and team personnel. By providing education on the various forms of bias and their impact on decision-making processes, the league can empower individuals to recognize and address unconscious biases in their interactions and decision-making. Additionally, incorporating real-life case studies and interactive exercises can help participants understand how biases manifest in different contexts within the NFL. Through these initiatives, the NFL can foster a culture of self-awareness and accountability, laying the foundation for meaningful DEI efforts.
Transparent Communication and Reporting: Another strategy is to establish transparent communication channels and reporting mechanisms to track progress and outcomes related to DEI initiatives. This could involve regular updates on diversity metrics, such as hiring and promotion rates for minority and women coaches and executives, as well as feedback mechanisms for employees to express concerns or suggestions regarding DEI efforts. By openly sharing data and insights, the NFL demonstrates its commitment to accountability and continuous improvement in advancing diversity and inclusion within the organization. Moreover, creating opportunities for dialogue and feedback can facilitate buy-in from stakeholders at all levels, as they feel included in the process and understand the importance of their participation in driving meaningful change.
When implementing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) principles for Delta Airlines, a similar approach focusing on communication strategies can be effective in uncovering unconscious biases and fostering buy-in for DEI efforts. Firstly, Delta Airlines could initiate comprehensive training programs and workshops aimed at raising awareness of unconscious biases among employees across all levels of the organization. These sessions could cover topics such as recognizing biases in decision-making processes, understanding their impact on workplace dynamics, and learning strategies to mitigate biases in day-to-day interactions. By providing education and practical tools for addressing biases, Delta can empower employees to contribute to a more inclusive and equitable workplace culture. Transparent communication and reporting mechanisms should be established to track progress and outcomes related to DEI initiatives at Delta Airlines. This could involve regular updates on diversity metrics, such as hiring, promotion, and retention rates for employees from underrepresented groups. Creating avenues for open dialogue and feedback, such as employee resource groups or town hall meetings, can encourage employees to voice their perspectives and share experiences related to diversity and inclusion within the organization. By fostering transparency and dialogue, Delta can demonstrate its commitment to DEI principles and engage employees in the process of driving meaningful change.

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