Discuss all the key themes from each study and how they are similar and different.

Using only
‘Bye-bye boobies’: Normativity, deservingness and medicalization
in transgender medical crowdfunding. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/13691058.2019.1566971

“You can’t be deadnamed in a video game”: Transgender and gender diverse adolescents’ use of video game avatar creation for gender-affirmation and exploration

“Video Games Were My First Safe Space”: Queer Gaming in the Animal Crossing New Horizons LGBTIQA+ Community

It’s my safe space: The life-saving role of the internet in the lives of transgender and gender diverse youth

argue points around all the following questions:

Barcelos and McKenna et al. each examine the representation of gender affirmation online. Barcelos examines medical transition crowdfunding campaigns on GoFundMe.com and McKenna et al. examine gender-affirmation in video game avatar creation. What were the findings of both studies and how are they similar and different? [For the McKenna study, you only have to focus on the qualitative findings]
How and why does the internet function as a safe space? Additionally, how is Animal Crossing: New Horizons a safe space? Discuss all the key themes from each study and how they are similar and different. [For the Animal Crossing study, you only have to focus on the qualitative findings]

Develop your arguments as thoroughly as possible, defining all the main terms from class that you use. Use your own words whenever possible.

You are permitted to bring examples from outside of the class, but remember that you are being marked on your ability to articulate arguments around the course material. Examples are specific cases to prove your argument. It will be written as a formal essay and must be submitted as a Word document or PDF. About 4 pages (Max. 5) double-spaced. I’m okay with whatever officially recognized format you choose [APA, MLA, Chicago Style]. Do not go over the page limit. Additionally, include a works cited page. Make sure to number all pages. The works cited page does not count in the page length, but you can number it in sequence. Make sure to cite all material that you use. There is no title page needed.

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