Discuss and analyze background information to include previous and current strategic management of Alphabet.

Assignment Overview
The intention of the strategic management project is to provide you with practical experience with the elements of strategic management. The project is spread across each week of this course. Weeks 1-4 allow you to evaluate the strategic planning elements of Alphabet, Inc., Google’s parent company, through documentation in the strategic management research journal.

In Week 5, you will demonstrate your understanding of strategic management and quality improvement when you create a presentation to Alphabet’s leadership team.

For the purposes of the strategic management project, you will operate as if you are a new hire at Alphabet’s headquarters in the role of assistant strategic development analyst. The job descriiption reads as follows:
Maintain a strategic management research journal in which you:
Assess Alphabet’s corporate data, competitors, and associated business information.
Analyze background information to include previous and current strategic management of Alphabet.
Assess the strengths and weaknesses of strategic management of Alphabet based on your analyses and provide information in a presentation to Alphabet’s leadership.
Recommend strategic management actions to ensure future success in a presentation to Alphabet’s leadership team.

Assignment Deliverable

Justify the guiding principles required for preparing effective statements that describe the mission, vision, and the core values of an organization.
Compare whether Alphabet’s mission, vision, and core values conform to the guiding principles you justified and support organizational strategic planning principles.
Assess Alphabet’s current competitive advantages and disadvantages by considering its business partners, allies, and general operations.

Format your references according to APA guidelines.

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