Discuss and demonstrate the ability to draw thoughtful connections between secondary sources, to articulate an effective synthesis of information.

Discuss and demonstrate the ability to draw thoughtful connections between secondary sources, to articulate an effective synthesis of information.Directions: Construct a review of 3-5 secondary sources (articles, book chapters, webpages) found in research on a topic related to a real or hypothetical community art project of your own choosing. Briefly introduce the topic of the review, then summarize, explain and synthesize information from each source before recapping in a short conclusion.
4-5 pages (at least four full pages of text)
Paragraph style: Paragraphs with No Spacing
Spacing: double-spaced
Margins: one inch
Font: Times New Roman or Courier New
Size: 12 point
MLA Documentation Style

Introduction of Topic:
Summary (of each source individually)
Identify source:
Exposition (of each source individually)*
Topic Sentence:
Quoted Detail (from source):
Content: What does the quotation mean?
Context: Why is it important to the topic?
Synthesis: How does quotation relate to other source(s)?#
[*Summarize then Explain one source before moving on to the next source]
[#at least one Exposition paragraph needs to include synthesis]
Restate Thesis:
Summary (of review):

To earn an “A” on Literature Review, a student must
1. Adhere to all assignment requirements, with no major errors in MLA style or formatting.
2. Provide a thesis that is insightful, sophisticated and well-articulated.
3. Remain focused on the topic and thesis, providing sound and compelling explication throughout the essay
4. Demonstrate the ability to draw thoughtful connections between secondary sources, to articulate an effective synthesis of information.
5. Provide a sophisticated explication of the ways in which other disciplines relate to the source material (be they creative, cultural, economical, etc.)

6. Guide explication via strong topic sentences and appropriate transitions.
7. Have very few minor grammatical errors, none of which interferes with coherence.
8. Display significant improvement with respect to errors marked on previous essays/graded writing.

Here are the sources I want to be used:
2 Builing Soical Capital Throught Community Art Programs https://eds.p.ebscohost.com/eds/detail/detail?vid=6&sid=f721694f-b3a2-404b-b99d-053dd9d74a89%40redis&bdata=JkF1dGhUeXBlPWlwLHNoaWImc2l0ZT1lZHMtbGl2ZSZzY29wZT1zaXRl#AN=86009738&db=ibh
3 The Therapeutic Benefits of Art Making in Community Settings
1 Benefits of Community Art Programs for Youth Development
4 Empowering Communities Through Art Education
5 Evaluation of Community Art Programs: Methods and Outcomes

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