Discuss how much of Mr. Dorrit’s character has been formed by his longtime status as a prisoner in the Marshalsea, and to what extent has he perhaps been permanently changed by his time there?

After reading the first several chapters of Charles Dickens’s Little Dorrit, please address the following questions:
Mr. Dorrit has already been a resident of the Marshalsea Prison for quite some time when we first meet his character in the novel. With that in mind, to what extent do you think Mr. Dorrit has been affected by his time in prison? Granted, we don’t have much of a baseline reference point, but discuss how much of Mr. Dorrit’s character has been formed by his longtime status as a prisoner in the Marshalsea, and to what extent has he perhaps been permanently changed by his time there?

Please write a critical response based on these questions. Your paper should be 2-3 pages long (meaning at least 2 full pages), double-spaced, with 1” margins using Times New Roman 12 point font, and it should conform to the Critical Response Papers Rubric Download Critical Response Papers RubricOpen this document with ReadSpeaker docReader. You must also use at least 4 direct quotations from the novel to support the claims that you make in your paper, cited with parenthetical references in correct MLA format “like this” (Dickens 117).
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