Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of SMT, guidelines for improvements, and challenges that SMTs face.


Self-Managed Teams (SMT) are formed to actualize one specific work goal. Team members work independently and are self-directed but the team members are also interdependent. Team members determine schedules, procedures and the need for making adjustments as they work toward actualizing the goal. The role of leadership is different than in conventional teams as each member is part of a shared-leadership concept and must be flexible enough to be a follower or a leader in the SMT as needs of fulfilling the task change.

Self-Managed Team members should have a variety of job skills related to the assigned tasks. SMT’s can save organizations money and time as they are each accountable for their input. Since the team is smaller and each member is actively participating, members can hold the others accountable for their contributions. SMT’s require fewer team members, as each member is a full partner in obtaining the desired result. Game development companies and other companies such as Google and Zappos have successfully embraced the SMT concept. Team members need to be highly motivated about the project and the end product or the service they deliver. SMT’s sometime have challenges transitioning from a conventional team approach because of lack of a specified leader. SMT’s need time to adjust but the advantages can be improved quality of work product and creative development of new ideas and solutions.

Activity For this assignment compose an essay in which you describe what Self-Managing Teams (SMT) are. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of SMT, guidelines for improvements, and challenges that SMTs face. Be specific and provide examples.

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